SleepCurve VS Normal Flat Mattress
Sleepcurve Mattress VS Normal Flat Mattress Philip Owen demonstrates the difference between a baby lying on a flat mattress and a SleepCurve mattress and the negative effects a flat mattress can have.
Sleepcurve Mattress VS Normal Flat Mattress Philip Owen demonstrates the difference between a baby lying on a flat mattress and a SleepCurve mattress and the negative effects a flat mattress can have.
The premium SleepCurve Mattress is the ONLY baby mattress to have been clinically proven in the prevention and treatment of plagiocephaly / Flat Head Syndrome, with a 97% head shape improvement. Find out more at
Philip Owen explains some of the causes of Flat Head Syndrome and how a SleepCurve mattress can help prevent it developing and help with the self-correction process.